Touching Young Lives International (TYLI) was inaugurated in 2007 with a vision to fulfill the Great Commission by empowering Church Planters. Since then, a group of mission-minded Christian PMEs (Professionals, Managers and Executives) from various churches and denominations have been meeting monthly to discuss, plan and execute Mission efforts in Asia.
Empowering church planters to reach out to their communities, especially the unreached people groups.
1. Provide subsistence financial support to church planters, so that they can be released from their secular jobs to fulfill their calling of a full-time ministry in their respective fields.
2. Encourage church planters and their churches through regular visits and interactions.
3. Link mission-minded individuals and organizations to participate in the Great Commission.
4. Intentional strengthening to enable church planters to bear fruits that last.
for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"
How, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can they preach unless they are being sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet who bring good news".
In 2008, we supported 15 church planters. As of August 2024, we support 152 church planters / workers across nine different countries.
Each planter is typically supported for 5-year. We foresee within 5 years they should be financially independent. Some achieve it within a shorter period, as they went full time due to our support. After 5 years, we will replace them with other planters. With this 5 year cycle we will impact more planters.
Our vision is >1,000 planters/works to be impacted before the Lord returns. To date – around >250 planters has been released from our support. With your support it will be speeded up!
A. From 40 DAYS 2019 (17 July devotional) – the Global Church:
– Spent 87% on the church
– 12% on ministry among the REACHED
– 1% on UNREACHED peoples, among whom are the poorest of the poor (Global Statistics)
– Today some 250 million people have no access to any Scripture in their heard language (Wycliffe Global Alliance)
These UNREACHED PEOPLES are in the 10/40 window which is potentially the largest segment for unsaved souls but receiving the least funding. This is where TYLI operates.
B. The Mission fields in the 10/40 window is geographically so wide and large. Many more “TYLIs” would still not be enough
C. TYLI seeks out mission fields that traditional churches are not active. They are the struggling smaller and lesser-known churches that are usually not in the radar screens of Mission organizations.
D. TYLI is able to do what most traditional churches are unable to do – eg. Community or business projects with evangelistic objectives. We also use Christmas projects to bless a village and medical missions to pave a way to enter into less welcomed places.
>99%. In the last four financial years, 99% of disbursements went to planters. The balance is used up in miscellaneous items such as website charges, bank charges, stationeries, etc.
Since 2007, we have been operating at zero cost. All operating costs are borne / sponsored by Members. We hope to maintain it as long as we can.
TYLI funds are untouched when we go visit the planters in the mission fields. Individual participants go at their expense. Please join us to find out!
Connectors / Planters
We work mainly with Singaporean missionaries who are stationed in the 10/40 countries. Eg. Ps Jason in Nepal, Bro Eng Tian (Engineer when he was station in Hyderabad) and Ps Mogan (Navigators, Church Discipleship ministry) – they become our “Connectors”. Recommendations also come from Ps Steven Teo (TYLI Advisor). Dr. Lim Teck Boon of Scripture Union and others who are active in the Mission Fields. Since 2019, we also worked with Asia Pacific Missions Ltd and East Asia School of Theology for recommendations of church planters who were their graduates.
These connectors will then recommend the local church planters with a heart for evangelism. Most of them are either under the connector’s supervision or being mentored by them. We will ask the connectors to provide us with biodata and the reasons why we should support the proposed church planters.
TYLI committee will then vet / deliberate over the candidates. Before we make any decision to fund any of them, we will always make it a point to interact and verify these potential candidates for ourselves.
We also make regular visit to follow up and monitor those works.
• The TYLI Committee is currently made up of nine members who have long experience (current and past) in Christian Leadership, Business ownership and senior Marketplace Leadership. We have at least five Committee members who have a degree in Masters & Bachelors of Theology or a degree in Master of Ministry. They are from different churches and denominations.
• Founder James Lee held Licensed Ministers Credentials with AG, Singapore (2010-2014). He took 20+ audit courses with Singapore Bible College and 8 x Credit courses with TCA College and AG Bible College. In May 2016, he was awarded Masters of Ministry (Hons, Summa Cum Laude) from Colorado Theology Seminary, USA.
• Another founding member Rev Chris Wong is Ordained Minister with International Ministerial Fellowship, Minnesota, USA (2014-Present). He also serves as Lay Zone Pastor in Living Sanctuary Brethren Church (LSBC). He hold Bachelors degree in Theology with Assemblies of God Bible College (AGBC] and he is a graduate from Bethany School of Missions. Chris is also a commended member of the Brethren Assemblies
Contributions to TYLI can be made either through
• PayNow – UEN Number: T05SS0014L
• DBS Account: 065-901-7541
Connect With Us
1 Ubi View, #04-27 Focus One, Singapore 408555
© 2024 Touching Young Lives International. All Rights Reserved.